
SWF Tools

CCK - http://drupal.org/project/cck - 6.x-2.8
FileField - http://drupal.org/project/filefield - 6.x-3.7
SWF Tools - http://drupal.org/project/swftools - 6.x-2.5
CCK > FileField
SWF Tools > 1 Pixel Out
SWF Tools > FlowPlayer 3
SWF Tools > SWF Tools
# Manage fields 追加
Label : Audio
Name : field_mp3audio
Type : File
Permitted upload file extensions : mp3
# Display fields
Label : above
Teaser : Hidden
Full node : SWF Tools - no download link
(2)Flash Video
# Manage fields 追加
Label : Flash Video
Name : field_flashvideo
Type : File
Permitted upload file extensions : flv
# Display fields
Label : above
Teaser : Hidden
Full node : SWF Tools - no download link
(1)1 Pixel Out
Install it to : sites/all/libraries/1pixelout/player.swf (mkdir sites/all/libraries/1pixelout)
(2)FlowPlayer 3
http://flowplayer.org/download/index.html (http://releases.flowplayer.org/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.5.zip)
Install it to : sites/all/libraries/flowplayer3/flowplayer-3.x.x.swf (mkdir sites/all/libraries/flowplayer3)
SWF Tools
(1)Home » Administer » Site configuration » SWF Tools >> FlowPlayer 3
Player and plugin files >> Player file: flowplayer-3.2.5.swf
(2)Home » Administer » Site configuration » SWF Tools >> File handling >> File locations
Default flash player path: sites/all/libraries
(2)Home » Administer » Site configuration » SWF Tools >> File handling >> File handling
Default player for single FLV movies: FlowPlayer 3
Default player for single MP3 files:1 Pixel Out MP3 Player
Home » Administer » User management > Permissions
[content_permissions module ]
edit field_flashvideo
edit field_mp3audio
view field_flashvideo
view field_mp3audio
[node module]
create flashvideo content
create mp3 content
delete any flashvideo content
delete any mp3 content
delete own flashvideo content
delete own mp3 content
edit any flashvideo content
edit any mp3 content
edit own flashvideo content
edit own mp3 content